Harvey Irma Jose Katia Funny Memes

  • Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia — animated

    This is a news alert, the opinions expressed do not directly represent that of The Christian Truther or its editors. The first indication of what is now Hurricane Irma, the strongest hurricane recorded in the Atlantic, came last month. The National Hurricane Center noted an area of low pressure off the coast of Africa and […]

  • Taking the Lord's Name in Vain Without Swearing

    Taking the Lord's Name in Vain Without Swearing

    Institutions may break the third commandment to excuse their abuse.

  • What Does a Pro-Life Economy Look Like?

    What Does a Pro-Life Economy Look Like?

    Abortion has been a national institution for nearly 50 years. Where should Christians spend their pro-life dollars now?
    During the past 49 years of abortion debates under Roe v. Wade, some have lost track of how profits and poverty drive the issue—and why pro-life Christians must continue to innovate as we put our money where our mouths are.
    A common argument for a pro-choice ethic is that abortion access is good for the economy. Many like US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen argue that limi

  • Report Backs Abuse Allegations Against Chris Rice

    Report Backs Abuse Allegations Against Chris Rice

    The singer allegedly groomed students at a Kentucky church through back rubs and unaccompanied sleepovers, according to an investigation by GRACE.
    Three men reported that Christian musician Chris Rice took advantage of a youth ministry culture that normalized massages and sleepovers to groom them as teenagers more than 20 years ago.
    An investigation by Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) found their stories credible, including an account of "explicitly sexual conta

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  • Presbyterian Church in America Leaves National Association of Evangelicals

    Presbyterian Church in America Leaves National Association of Evangelicals

    The PCA has been a part of the NAE since the denomination's founding, but has always fought about it.
    At its annual meeting on Wednesday, the Presbyterian Church in America voted to leave the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), which it has been a part of since the denomination's founding in 1973.Presbyterian elders voting for the breakup cited the NAE's increasing political advocacy, which sometimes conflicted with more conservative Presbyterian churches. Elders mentioned th

  • How to Greet the End of 'Roe'

    How to Greet the End of 'Roe'

    Faithful responses to the Supreme Court decision should involve new care practices.
    One of the best parts of attending Perimeter Church in north Atlanta was seeing the parking lot for young families. Industrial-sized vans pulled in each Sunday and poured forth children. These were not shuttles that gathered youngsters from local neighborhoods but single-family vans filled with children who had been adopted domestically and internationally, many with special needs.
    Perimeter families have adopted

  • Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They've Waited For

    Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They've Waited For

    Supreme Court: The landmark abortion-rights case was "egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided."Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that mobilized generations of pro-life activists and shaped evangelicals' political engagement for half a century—has been overturned.
    Millions have marched, protested, lobbied, and prayed for the end of the landmark abortion rights ruling. After 49 years, and more than 63 million

  • Counting the Cost of Paying Ransoms for Missionaries

    Counting the Cost of Paying Ransoms for Missionaries

    A Haiti kidnapping raises questions about no-payment practices.
    International Christian organizations and missions experts agree it's not best practice to pay kidnapping ransoms.
    But ransoms do get paid. And the impacts are hard to quantify. The cost is a burden borne by local churches, fellow missionaries, ministers, aid workers, and the many people they hope to serve.
    A thousand dollars or a hundred thousand might tip the scales for kidnappers in the future, as they weigh whether to abdu

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  • Why I'm Raising My Kid In the Front Pew

    Why I'm Raising My Kid In the Front Pew

    The greatest gift my parents passed on was a lived-out faith. I want to do the same for my daughter.

  • Why I'm Raising My Kid Evangelical

    Why I'm Raising My Kid Evangelical

    The greatest gift my parents passed on was a lived-out faith. I want to do the same for my daughter.
    Before our daughter, Hildegaard, was born, my husband and I discussed the weight of raising a pastor's kid.
    We wrestled with the fact that kids who grow up in ministry are often placed under extra scrutiny—and many end up bitter with the church, walking away from the Christian faith altogether.
    I am a pastor's kid myself. I know firsthand the privilege it is to be steeped in the

  • They Fled Ukraine, and Ukraine Followed

    They Fled Ukraine, and Ukraine Followed

    Escaping Russian missiles, some exiled believers found a new sense of purpose helping refugees.
    It was 2:30 in the morning on February 24 when Maksym Maliuta finally fell asleep. That night, he had been arguing with his college classmates, who dismissed warnings of a Russian invasion of Ukraine as "Western media panic." No, Maksym insisted, the signs were all there: Vladimir Putin was building up to a massive military operation.
    Maksym had been asleep two hours when his phone rang. R

  • These Pastors Fell into Sin. Pro-Life Laws Emerged from It.

    These Pastors Fell into Sin. Pro-Life Laws Emerged from It.

    Three 19th-century scandals led to the protection of women and their unborn children.
    This article is the first of a four-part series based on the upcoming book by Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas, The Story of Abortion in America: A Street-Level History, 1652–2022.
    Pastors falling into sordid sin and trying to cover it up. That's a recent news story and a 19th-century one as well. Americans then expected pastors to be trustworthy. When they were not, and even used abortion as a cover-up

  • The Foreigner's Blessing That Broke Me

    The Foreigner's Blessing That Broke Me

    Among Ukrainian exiles, I found miraculous perseverance in the absence of deliverance.
    Six months before I flew to Poland to report on Ukrainian refugees, a truck hit my mother-in-law, killing her instantly. Six weeks before I flew to Poland, I discovered I was 23 weeks pregnant.
    A lot was on my mind when I boarded the plane to Warsaw. I had just started a new job. My husband's grief was still raw, and I sometimes heard him crying in his sleep, dreaming vivid memories of his mother. Neithe

  • Supreme Court Rules Against Maine Policy Denying Christian School Aid

    Supreme Court Rules Against Maine Policy Denying Christian School Aid

    Update: Justices say that exempting religious schools amounts to discrimination.The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a Maine policy covering tuition for private schools but not religious schools violates the First Amendment.
    Maine offers the tuition assistance in rural districts that do not have public schools. The challenge involved two private Christian schools, Bangor Christian Schools and Temple Academy, which didn't meet the state's "nonsectarian" requirement for fam

  • Can the Church Still Enact Justice When a Pastor Sues His Accusers?

    Can the Church Still Enact Justice When a Pastor Sues His Accusers?

    The PCA takes up the case of a church leader who responded to sexual harassment claims with a defamation lawsuit against his accusers.As the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) discusses its response to abuse at its annual General Assembly this week, a case involving a pastor suing former congregants over allegations against him is making its way through civil court and the denomination's own system.
    Dan Herron, a PCA pastor—or teaching elder—accused of sexual harassment, says

  • Juneteenth is a Chance to Rethink Our Gun Culture

    Juneteenth is a Chance to Rethink Our Gun Culture

    Christians should work together to address our nation's hate-motivated gun violence.

  • 'Canceled' John Crist Has a New Book, Tour, and Comedy Special

    'Canceled' John Crist Has a New Book, Tour, and Comedy Special

    The Christian comic brings his downfall into his new releases, while victims say they're still waiting for repentance.The aftermath of the scandal that shook John Crist's career has become part of his comedy, turning his lessons learned into new material and his experience with "cancel culture" into a punch line.
    This month, the popular Christian comedian released a full-length special on YouTube and announced a book due out in October. His debut Netflix special and his f

  • Why White Evangelicals Should Claim John Brown

    Why White Evangelicals Should Claim John Brown

    We've forgotten what Charles Spurgeon knew: He was radical because of the Bible and his soul is marching on.

  • The Last Gift My Father Gave Me

    The Last Gift My Father Gave Me

    A surprising encounter with my dad, Jesus, and Jerry Seinfeld opened a door to long-awaited healing.
    Last April, I found myself sobbing unexpectedly and uncontrollably while sitting in a barbershop for a haircut. It was the first time I'd really wept since my father passed away a month earlier.
    I've had a complicated relationship with grief.
    Six years before, I left vocational church ministry. I resigned from a church I'd helped plant 15 years earlier, a church I thought I&rsqu

  • Synod Votes to Simplify, Clarify Cross-Borders Relationship of the Christian Reformed Church

    Synod Votes to Simplify, Clarify Cross-Borders Relationship of the Christian Reformed Church

    Task force proposal promises to help US and Canadian congregations work together more easily.
    What's the relationship between the Christian Reformed Church in North America in Canada and the Christian Reformed Church in North America in the United States?
    It's complicated.
    The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC) is single denomination. But legally it exists as two separate entities—one incorporated in Michigan, the other north of the border. Bound together by faith

  • Summer Solstice Reminds Us of God's Grace to All

    Summer Solstice Reminds Us of God's Grace to All

    Why it matters that the Lord lets the sun rise on both the evil and on the good.
    This Tuesday, the sun will hang in the sky over the Northern Hemisphere for what is colloquially known as the "longest day of the year." In reality, the sun's position will be no different than usual, but our perception of it will be different owing to the earth's tilt on its axis as it orbits the sun.
    Where I live in the mid-Atlantic, we'll enjoy over fourteen hours of sunlight, but fo

  • After Annual Meeting, Southern Baptists Begin the Hard Work of Abuse Reform

    After Annual Meeting, Southern Baptists Begin the Hard Work of Abuse Reform

    Survivors sensed a godly shift as messengers approved plans and their new president put sexual predators "on notice."Southern Baptists sang slow and low, "Lord, have mercy on me," in the cavernous meeting hall where they apologized for their failure to care for survivors and approved long-awaited measures designed to keep predatory pastors and irresponsible churches out of the convention.
    Tiffany Thigpen attended the annual meeting in Anaheim, California, with fellow abus

  • I Plant Secret House Churches Because I Was Saved into One

    I Plant Secret House Churches Because I Was Saved into One

    How an Iranian teenager found Christ and launched a mission to equip persecuted believers.

  • World Vision Employee Convicted of Terrorism, Despite Lack of Public Evidence

    World Vision Employee Convicted of Terrorism, Despite Lack of Public Evidence

    Israeli court says the Palestinian who directed humanitarian aid in Gaza was secretly working for Hamas.
    An Israeli court convicted Mohammad el-Halabi, former Gaza director for World Vision International, on terrorism charges Wednesday. The Beersheba District Court ruled that he is guilty of being a member of a terror organization, providing information to a terror group, taking part in forbidden military exercises, and carrying a weapon.
    Halabi has not yet been sentenced. He is expected to appe

  • What Antisemitism Looks Like When It Is Carved into Church

    What Antisemitism Looks Like When It Is Carved into Church

    Q&A with World Evangelical Alliance head Thomas Schirrmacher on the problem of offensive public sculptures and how Christians came to embrace evil conspiracy theories about the Jews.
    A sculpture outside of a Wittenberg church where Martin Luther once preached shows three small people in pointy hats, meant to be Jews, sucking from the teats of a large female pig. A fourth figure stands behind the sow, lifting up the pig's tail, and looking at its butt.
    The obscene and bizarre image has

  • Southern Baptists Overwhelmingly Approve Abuse Reforms, Public Database

    Southern Baptists Overwhelmingly Approve Abuse Reforms, Public Database

    A month after groundbreaking report, SBC creates another task force to oversee reform plans: "Without action, there isn't repentance."
    With a wave of yellow ballots across a massive meeting hall in Anaheim, thousands of Southern Baptists voted to reform their denomination's response to abuse, including adopting the database of abusers that survivors had long called for.
    Two survivors in attendance hugged and cried, and supporters of the measure rose in applause as the mov

  • Saddleback Female Pastors Debate Raises Bigger Questions for the SBC

    Saddleback Female Pastors Debate Raises Bigger Questions for the SBC

    Even without a decision on whether to disfellowship Rick Warren's megachurch, Southern Baptists are left wondering about where a denomination of independent churches draws its boundary lines.Retiring megachurch pastor Rick Warren stood up among a crowd of Southern Baptists to address the convention for what could be his last time. The 68-year-old leader referred to his remarks as both a "love letter" to the denomination and his "dying words."
    "Are we going to

  • Nominate a Book for the 2023 Christianity Today Book Awards

    Nominate a Book for the 2023 Christianity Today Book Awards

    Instructions for publishers.
    Dear Publisher,
    Each year, Christianity Today honors a set of outstanding books encompassing a variety of subjects and genres. The CT Book Awards will be announced in December at christianitytoday.com. They also will be featured prominently in the January/February 2023 issue of CT and promoted in several CT newsletters. (In addition, publishers will have the opportunity to participate in a marketing promotion organized by CT's marketing team, complete with site

  • In Another Win for Abuse Reform, SBC Elects Bart Barber as President

    In Another Win for Abuse Reform, SBC Elects Bart Barber as President

    Texas pastor beats Conservative Baptist Network–endorsed Tom Ascol in a runoff.As Bart Barber, a tall Texas pastor in a suit and tie, walked outside the convention hall in Anaheim, Southern Baptists stopped to congratulate their new president. They shook his hand, patted his back, and took pictures. When Barber put his name in the ring for SBC president, there was similar enthusiasm from friends who texted asking if he was excited to go for the position.
    But his feelings are heavier than t

  • For Christians, Juneteenth Is a Time of Jubilee

    For Christians, Juneteenth Is a Time of Jubilee

    Observing Juneteenth as a national holiday affirms what we believe about our faith and our freedoms.
    I was never taught about Juneteenth growing up.
    I was born and raised in Philadelphia, the "cradle of liberty," in Pennsylvania—which was the first state to end slavery with the Gradual Abolition Act of 1780. Philly was one of the major stops on the Underground Railroad, thanks to the abolitionism of the Quakers, and the home of Richard Allen's Free African Society.
    And wh

  • veachuntoonesch1968.blogspot.com

    Source: https://www.newslocker.com/en-au/news/christianity/harvey-irma-jose-and-katia-animated/

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